Sunday, December 21, 2008

Bernard was here......

Back when the boys were little we started buying each of them a Christmas ornament for Christmas. The idea was to find something that illustrated their year and when they grew up and left the house, they would take a box of ornaments with them for their tree. We played it up and said Bernard, the elf, had dropped the ornaments off. One time the ornaments were wrapped and put in the tree and another time they were found in a box of clementines I brought home from the store. The kids never knew when or where Bernard would show up, but they always looked forward to his visit. Of course, no one ever saw Bernard and it wasn't long before they outgrew the fantasy of Bernard....but to this day, we still have Bernard visit. It's talked about weeks before and is considered a highlight. :)

Well, today, Bernard stopped by our house. We were all gathering to celebrate Christmas for kid #1 and daughter in law #1. They won't be with us on Christmas morning, so we took advantage of a quiet Sunday to throw Christmas Part One. There was all kinds of fun....and I will share some of that over the next few days.

Bernard was here.....

Thanks to a great daughter in law, Bernard now leaves an ornament for Mike and me. :)

Isn't it just perfect??


StephF said...

I love your ornaments! Are Shane & Travis married now too? Did I miss that?

Anonymous said...

I LOVE it!!!!

Pamela Sue

Anonymous said...

we have a Bethany in our family too! :)

Paula L.