Saturday, October 31, 2009

Pumpkin Carving Night...

Earlier this week we had our big pumpkin carving night. K was beyond excited about it and was extra helpful clearing up after dinner. Then she quickly assembled the necessities required to make the evening a smooth event.

First step was laying out her plastic map to help the pumpkin gut clean-up go quickly.

Then the carving tools were carefully laid out.
(looks like an operating room)

Patterns were picked.

The victims (um, pumpkins) were gathered.

Holes were cut...

and guts were picked through.
We toast the seeds. :)

This one was scraped clean.

After a little (LOT) poking and sawing,
here are our finished Jack O'Lanterns.

Out front this evening....


This could be found on K's door the entire month of October!!

Let's go inside her room....

She admitted she is ready for Halloween to be over.

Now, onto Thanksgiving....

Thursday, October 15, 2009

A happy coincidence...

Today I was reading Lynn's blog over at Midday Escapades. On Wednesday the 14th she posted about journaling. (go ahead, check it out) At the end of her post she asked readers which journal she should pick. I was feeling a little journal envy and kind of wishing I had a new one to write in. Don't you just love fresh pages in a journal or notebook???

So, wouldn't you know less than an hour later our mail came and there was a bunch of junk mail AND a large padded envelope for ME! A little bit ago I entered a blog contest over at
Forever Daisies
and Kim AKA: Crazy Daisy let me know that I had won one of the prizes. It had slipped my mind....but I was so excited when I saw the envelope.

What did I win???

A brand new journal. What a happy coincidence!!

Now...what to write??

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Taking it all in....

One of my favorite things to do this time of the year is to get out of the house and enjoy the changing season. I love sunny days with a slight chill in the air. If you add a little wind it's even better.

I happen to have a lovely daughter who is a "Nature Beast". She loves all things living and fortunately loves taking the time to quietly observe what's going on around her. This is something that I think is so important to start teaching our children at a young age. They don't have be crazy in love with nature...nor do you. However, I believe it's an incredible gift to pass onto your child. I just know how much calmer and focused I feel after taking the time to just walk around slowly and take in all that is occurring around me. Listen, look, smell, feel....and taste if you happen to know what's in front of you.

The best part...we don't even have to leave our yard. Sure, taking a walk in fresh new territory is exciting. However, you don't even have to have a lot of time or energy to get out and enjoy nature. It's happening in your own yard.

The past few weeks we've been walking around our yard just checking out things. We've listened to a squirrel complain quite loudly about something bothering him. We've felt the sun's warmth and the cool breezes chasing away that warmth. We've looked at the changing autumn landscape and K showed me her favorite "looking" spot in the yard. We've smelled pine as we walked under the trees and also the smell of our neighbor's fireplace. We've tasted the last of the honeysuckle and hold onto the expectations of next year's bounty.

Here are a few snapshots of our nature walks around the yard. Click on any picture to see it up close the way we did. Wish I could share the sounds, feels, tastes and smells....

Take the time to get out and really experience what's going on around you. Teach a little one how to stand still and use their senses.
It's worth it!!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Adjusting the attitude...

I'm typically a spring/summer kind of gal. I love everything blooming and growing, the days getting longer, the temperatures warming up, the days getting longer, all the vibrant colors popping out all over the place and not just the flowers, and the days getting longer. Oh...did I mention....I love the days getting longer?? Yes, I seem to need light!

However, no matter what I do every year in September I can't help but notice signs of autumn approaching. I never can find that pause button that keeps the sun shining longer or the freeze button that keeps the leaves green and hanging onto their branches.

I look around and see...

the leaves that lost their fight,

the hosta that is very tired,

and the dogwood that is just giving up.

Kind of depressing if you look at it that way, huh? So, this year instead of being defeated I am trying to change my attitude! Life is flying by far too quickly to not enjoy every single season that I'm allowed to be a part. (Now...someone may need to remind of this in February!!) For now though, I have to admit I am loving fall.

I love the cooler temperatures, the colors of fall happen to be my very favorite colors, and the mere thought of the holidays approaching fills me with a bunch of warm fuzzies. Take note, I did not say I love the shorter days....because I am not "there" yet and don't know if I will ever get "there"!! But I am choosing to focus on what I do love and not dwell on the not so favorite parts.

In order to help adjust my attitude I decided to warm up the home with some fall decorations. Isn't that always a help?

Welcome! Lets check out some of my new "attitude adjusting decor".

Our foyer table has been overtaken with these adorable pumpkins of the best kind...

ones that can't rot.

This little guy smiles at me as I walk into the dining room and reminds me that I'm working on attitude.

Since I love little tin containers, I can't help but smile at this.

The summer sunflowers are taking a rest.

And I found this cute little pitcher on clearance. How could I resist adding yet another rooster into our house?

It also helps that the weather has been gorgeous on most days and has allowed me to open all the windows...which happens to be in my

top 10 list of all time favorite things to do

in my house

to make it all fresh and clean feeling!