Last week, I spent extra attention on the house and all the little fine laundry! I wanted the week to start off on the right foot. No need for me to be trying to juggle back to school routine and piles of stinky laundry.
I labored on a new system...a schedule of sorts. I'll report back at the end of the week on that...but I have high hopes. I also decided that since we have some important things coming up in the next few weeks that will interrupt our daily schedule, that we would start with an abbreviated schedule. That and the fact that not everything is here, yet!! We are covering most subjects, but leaving out history, science and art until mid-September.
Yesterday, we spent some time with family swimming and visiting and eating dinner together. It was a beautiful day, but I was a bit eager to get home and finish up some of those fine details. I love the first day of school and even though K was trying her best to be very cool about the whole thing, I knew DEEP DOWN she was excited, too.
So, I got home and started the last load of laundry and made myself clean the kitchen before bed. It was rough...but I knew that starting the day with a clean kitchen was an important step to a great first day.
The plan was to get moving early, have breakfast together, take some pictures and to get started. That was the know how PLANS go, right?
We got up 30 minutes later then I was hoping. Then we found out the dog had gotten out of the back yard and was walking down the we had to chase him down. It really wasn't difficult...he is old and seriously wanted to come in and have water and his morning treat. In fact, looking back I actually heard him barking on the front porch while I was still laying in bed. ;) I heard him and thought..."WOW, that bark sounds really close." So really all along he was wanting to come in...but somehow saying "we chased him down" sounds more productive. So, let's stick to that version! We chased the dog down and then started breakfast. This was around the time that I found out K was running a temperature. Yea, way to throw a curve ball into our PLANS!
However, like I suspected....DEEP DOWN she REALLY was excited about the first day, meaning we were moving ahead like planned. I'm so glad I stayed up last night cleaning the kitchen, because DEEP DOWN I know that's the only reason why she felt like starting school today.
Let's take a look at our first day....
looks like a lot of fun and a good first day!! I haven't taken our "official" first day pictures yet - because one of my students is STILL in pajamas.... *sigh*
We're also trying to stick to a stricter schedule this year - here's hoping it actually works for us!
Your daughter is a cutie! I love the yellow color on your walls! Thanks for stopping by my blog!
Thanks so much for stopping by my page today and for the comments!
I also homeschooled, from 7th grade until I graduated. We used the ACE curriculum. I loved it and it helped me prepare for college in so many ways. Keep up the good work. That is an incredibly selfless investment you have given to your children. I know they do/will appreciate it!
I look forward to reading more. Consider yourself "followed!"
I love it! As you know we are having our first day too. I was surprised how excited I was to start. But also how panicked at the same time. LOL! We're doing a new set up too this year using Workboxes. I'm eager to hear more about your schedule. BTW, does K use Singapore Math? Hope the rest of your day is just as fun & K is feeling better.
Sounds like a great first day despite the fever! Here's to a great year!!!
I love your vivid description of your first day of school! Some days just don't go as planned. How wonderful for you, Kristin, that your parents choose to homeschool you. There are great benefits to that...including not missing the first day of school even when the thermometer says 100.9. Many blessings to the whole K family!
I'm sorry K wasn't feeling well this morning. What a stinky way to start the school year. That's the one thing Mir hates about being homeschooled, no sick days. :)
We're starting next Monday, when the county does. I ordered Mir's curriculum on the 7th and had it all by the 15th. I was surprised, but very pleased it came so quickly. I still haven't received Kay's though. Hers hasn't even shipped yet! Stinking Abeka. As long as it's here by the 8th, we'll be okay.
Despite the fever. Glad the 1st day of the new school year got off to a good start.
May Miss K feel better.
Looks like a really fun first day! Mine doesn't start until September, I'm excited but not near ready!
Sounds great! Back to school is fun. And don't you just LOVE getting the new curriculum...shiny new books. I LOVE it.
BOO that because I dont have any coming. We started on our new curriculum during the summer...only bad thing about schooling year round. Guess I'll have to order some reading books...poor me.
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