In conclusion, brothers, focus your thoughts on what is true, noble, righteous, pure, lovable or admirable, on some virtue or on something praiseworthy.
Our daughter is now 9 years old and I believe we saw her passion for animals before she was even 3 years old. You could sit her on the couch with a big animal reference book and she would sit still for over a half hour turning the pages one at a time and studying all the pictures! There is little doubt that animals will play a part in her life. She will either work with them, farm with them, play with them or who knows what. It is something special though to see her around animals. Her blue eyes just sparkle!
Knowing this about her, we do try to center some of our activities around animals. One of her favorite trips is going to Florida. Sea World is always a big hit and this last time we went we to Florida we included a trip to Gator Land.
Just being able to cater field trips and extra learning opportunities to fit her interests is one of the beauties of being a homeschool family. We did the same for older brothers, of course!! (just don't have digital pictures from back when they were little!LOL)
Here are some of our Florida pictures with some of her favorite creatures...
She spent quite a bit of time talking to this guy and his friends. He paid attention to her, but that might have had more to do with the fish in her hands!
At Gator Land they had many, many beautiful birds and I made a point to take lots of pictures. I knew we were going to be working on Zoology 1. :)
Now one last picture of one of her favorite Florida Creatures.......
oh boy-all was good til I saw her on the gator...I would of fainted (even tho I see the mouth is taped) -my son would have been next in line for neat that she is into critters...maybe she will be the next host of an animal show on Discovery. Blessings-
WOW! I love all those pictures...looks like a lot of fun! thank you for sharing and for letting me know about the yahoo group.
Mrs. Nancy
BFS Teacher
It looks like you guys have taken some pretty fun field trips! That is so wonderful that you can cater to her interests and needs.
My 4 yr old is also a great animal lover. She says she wants to be a veterinarian. Sadly, we don't have pets right now. Her stuffed animals don't seem to be much of a replacement for a real pet :(
I loved reading this, and seeing all of your lovely photos. Our now 9yo dd was the same way as a 2yo. Chris and I ended up buying her this HUGE DK Horse Encyclopedia when she turned 3yo because every time we went to Sam's Club she wanted to hold it and would sit in the cart, looking through the pages so very carefully while we shopped. She's our horse lover now... and I didn't even mention that in my post. Well, I did link to a story about her love for horses though that I'd posted years ago.
Thanks for your comment! Nice to *meet* you. :D
SO great! Love the pics and Kristen's love for ALL animals....even snakes, lizards and alligators! :::::shudder:::::
What fun! My 6yo son would have flipped over the dolphin. They are his absolute favorites. Looks like an awesome day.
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