This is WACKY WEEK here at Blogger Friend School! Everything is wacky fun! This week YOU, the student, get to share something of your choice that is little “Wacky”!!!
Have you done something crazy in your homeschool? Do you fingerpaint with your toes? Do you let your children do your hair? Do you wear your pajamas during homeschool? Oh, the list is endless, but it’s up to you and how much fun you want to have.
Oh my goodness, we are definitely a wacky homeschool family. This was fun to reminisce over the past 15+ years of homeschooling. Back when the boys were young, I didn't have a digital camera and I wasn't really one to stop the fun and take a picture anyway. I still forget to take pictures!! We just like to be silly and have fun. There was the time I used a washable marker and wrote the name of the bones on all the boys, so they would remember them. (it really worked, too!) Then, there was the time we had a huge "Thankful Tree" on our foyer wall and everyday each of us added a paper leaf with something we were thankful for written on it. We've had forts and teepees, dinner on the floor without utensils, dropping eggs off the fort in various packing material just to see what worked best, and so on. All those pictures are on "old fashioned" paper and I don't have the time to hunt for them and scan them.
So, we will have to just look at some wacky moments with kid #4. She likes to have fun, too. (and we laugh and laugh almost every single day over something silly)
Even our snowmen have a sense of humor. These two were smiling with their little yarn smiles. Then it started to rain and look what their little smiles did!
We love art, even silly art. This picture was done with all sorts of things added to the crushed egg shells, salt, flour, etc.
Silly faces are common in this house!
Having fun cooking and decorating is a big part of our school!
Pets are included in celebrations!
Where else, but in a homeschool room will you find a monkey sitting on top of the world and the student still learning.
Well, that was just a little look of life here. I really must start carrying that camera around more!! The point is....have fun and remember learning is an ongoing process. Every minute they are taking something in and processing it. Make sure it includes silly moments that have nothing to do with reading, 'riting and 'rithmetic!!